History of Greenfield Lodge of Elks #1296: 1963 - 1983


On January 6, 1963, with the advent of our 50th anniversary, fifty new members were initiated into our Order. Led by PER Sebastien Ruggeri, along with PER’s Charles Gaudry,Herbert Sauter, Steven Wolanske, Felix Cerrato, Clifford Mann, Frank Deery, James Sheehan, John Degrano, Charles Herter, Edward Ostrowski, John McMahon, Robert Peno and Chaplain Walter Goulart.

On January 5, 1963 there was an anniversary Banquet held at the Welson hotel and hosted by PER Francis Farrell and Toastmaster Samuel Blassberg. An overflow group including William Burke of Hudon Lodge, and State President of the Mass. Elks Association. PDD A.R. Sandri of Greenfield, Tom Julian of Springfield #61, Tom Gibbons of Westfield, Steve Zajchowski of Chicopee and 300 other guests.

At the annual meeting of the Corporation on May 19, 1964, PER Ted Telega suggested that members consider the possibility of moving our Lodge Headquarters to the outskirts of our town since parking of cars at Church St. was rather limited or to remodel the Lodge facilities on church St. which included an old building which fronted on federal St. and a relatively new building which was attached to it, situated easterly of this old building. The new building housed the large Lodge hall which fronts on Church Street. His suggestion was to tear down the old building and construct a new addition in its place.

This remodeling proposal had also been suggested by PER Gerald Bonnette in 1958, who recommended that the substituted addition consist of two floors.

Plans were initiated in 1958 with J. Cranston Albo, architect, a member of our Lodge, Leslie Reed, a local contractor and PER Gerald Bonnette as members of the Lodge Building Committee.

Although the plans had been drawn, no action was taken until 1964 when PER Ted Telega again suggested that we either move to the outskirts or begin some renovations. As a result of his suggestion a new committee was formed to pursue these suggestions.

In May of 1968 the committee presented a plan wherein the old building of the Lodge would be torn down and a new addition consisting of one floor be substituted which would front federal Street. These plans were carried out and the construction was completed as outlined. Photos can be observed in the hallway to the Ritual Room upstairs.

In 1970, the largest class of members were initiated into our Order, with 103 taking the Oath of Elkdom.

In 1975, another addition was constructed by extending the first floor easterly toward the phone company building to facilitate storage rooms for tables, chairs, beverages & other supplies.

Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks

1963 Gerals E. Bonnette
1964 Richard J. Moylan
1965 Edward A. Hibbard
1966 Theodore Telega
1967 Louis E. Hahn
1968 Daniel J. Kelleher
1969 Robert T. Killay
1970 Russell C. Bontempi
1971 James C. O'Sullivan
1972 Lawrence J. Jubb
1973 James R. Fitzpatrick
1974 Ralph M. Akey
1975 James P. Lavin
1976 James R. Fitzpatrick
1977 James J. Gamlin
1978 Robert Williams Jr.
1979 Wesley L. Clark
1980 Charles E. Kestyn
1981 Salvatore Rossi
1982 Edmund Gamelin
2983 Raymond H. Dunn

Calendar of Events

Vets Lunch Building Bridges
Thu, Feb 20, 12:00 pm

BOD & Lodge Meeting, Election Officers
Tue, Feb 25, 6:00 pm

Vets Lunch Building Bridges
Thu, Feb 27, 12:00 pm

Tim Herzig Treasurer Birthday
Fri, Feb 28, 12:00 pm

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Greenfield Elks #1296
3-5 Church Street
Greenfield, MA 01301

(413) 774-4909

413-376-4240 Fax


Hall Rental:



Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks