Mass. State Elks Association & upcoming events


July 21  Family Day Picnic, Hudson Lodge #959

July 21  Horseshoe Tornament- Newburyport Lodge

Aug. 3  Fenway Park: Red Sox vs Twins

Aug. 11 Motorcycle run, Weymouth Lodge

Aug. 29 Pawtucket Red Sox

Aug. 25 suffolk downs Trip Noon - 5:00 PM

Ma. Elks Veterans Service Fundraising

Army of Hope "Red Shirt Friday" Program

"Until They All Come Home"

 It is our hope that all Elks will wear these shirts on Fridays to honor our servicemen and women who are serving in harms way. 

Please contact "Donna Slocombe" at 413-262-9226 or


For price information either phone or email.

 Orders and checks should be sent to:

Donna slocombe

4 Pencasal Drive

Florence, Ma.

Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks

Calendar of Events

Vets Lunch Building Bridges
Thu, Feb 20, 12:00 pm

BOD & Lodge Meeting, Election Officers
Tue, Feb 25, 6:00 pm

Vets Lunch Building Bridges
Thu, Feb 27, 12:00 pm

Tim Herzig Treasurer Birthday
Fri, Feb 28, 12:00 pm

Go to Calendar...

Greenfield Elks #1296
3-5 Church Street
Greenfield, MA 01301

(413) 774-4909

413-376-4240 Fax

Hall Rental:


Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks